If you participated in Phoenix FC (CMRC Travel) soccer tryouts and did not make a PFC team roster, you must register separately for the Fall “In House” Rec soccer season. 

Your Phoenix FC registration will not be transferred to Rec soccer.

Registration is now closed.

Registrations received after July 31st will be put on the Wait List.

If a spot on a team is or becomes available, a late fee of $50 plus the registration fee will be charged to participate

Being placed on a waitlist after registration closes is not guaranteed a spot in the program. 

There must be a team(s) that needs more players. Forming teams that are too large negatively impacts the players and coaches.

Therefore, another volunteer coach may be needed to form a new team comprised of players on the “Wait List”.

If no additional volunteer coach emerges, no additional teams will form from the Wait Listed players. 

Volunteer coaches are the lifeblood of CMRC In House soccer. Volunteer coaches are supported with a preseason coach’s clinic where an 8-week practice plan/curriculum for the season will be provided. 

Please volunteer to coach when you register.

Without enough coaches, teams can be very large, causing the children to get less playing time and individual attention.

You do not need to be proficient in soccer; you just need to do your best, follow the supplied curriculum, and have fun with the kids.


CMRC Soccer Board