Rookie | A | AA | AAA | Majors

Registration for Spring 2025 Rec Baseball Is Now Open!


For CMRC and the O’s Youth Baseball Day!

Sunday, May 18th at the Yard! 

Click the image to the left to print out the registration form!

2025 Season Information

Birth Dates Between
The $20 Field Utilization Fee will continue to be included in addition to the above registration amounts.
09/01/2018 thru 08/31/2021
Coach Pitch
09/01/2017 thru 08/31/2018
Rookie League
09/01/2015 thru 08/31/2017
Single A League
09/01/2013 thru 08/31/2015
Double A League
09/01/2011 thru 08/31/2013
Triple A League
09/01/2008 thru 08/31/2011
Major League
09/01/2004 thru 08/31/2008

In-House Baseball 2025 Field Utilization

The following information can be used as a general guideline to determine where and when each age specific league will practice and play.  Please be advised that this is only a guideline and that there may be other days of the week utilized for practice or for weather related make ups based on field conditions and availability.

  • TBall Tu nights 6-7 and Sat 8:30-9:30am, Hydes Park
  • Coach Pitch Th nights 6-7 and Sat 9:30-10:30am Hydes Park
  • Rookie M nights 6-8 and Sat 11:30-1:30, Hydes Park
  • Single A W nights 6-8 and Sat 9-11:30 or 11:30-2, Hydes Park and Carroll Manor ES
  • Double A W nights 6-8 and Sat 9-12, CMES and Jacksonville ES
  • Triple A M and Th nights 5:30-8:30 CMES and JES
  • Majors Tu and Thu nights 5:30-8:30 and possibly Sat or Sun 11-2 or 2-5 CMES

League-Specific Uniform & Equipment Recommendations

As a long time sponsor of Carroll Manor Rec Baseball, Play It Again Sports offers a 10% discount for items purchased at the Putty Hill Shopping Center location.  In addition, the Putty Hill Play It Again Sports offers a free cleat exchange program where you can exchange a pair that no longer fit your child for a larger used pair.  You can get all of the following at a significant savings: new and used gloves, bats, batting gloves and game pants. Please support our locally owned and operated sponsor for your baseball needs.
Click on the image to the right to print out the coupon.  >>>
Tee Ball
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with a jersey and hat. A protective cup is strongly recommended but not mandatory.  Baseball pants and cleats are also optional but recommended. Batting gloves are not necessary but they suit a good purpose on brisk weather days.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with a jersey and hat. A protective cup is strongly recommended but not mandatory.  Baseball pants and cleats are also optional but recommended. Batting gloves are not necessary but they suit a good purpose on brisk weather days.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with a jersey and hat. A protective cup is required and must be worn by any child playing the catcher position.  A protective cup for all other players is strongly recommended but not mandatory.  Baseball pants, batting gloves and cleats are also optional but recommended.  Metal spikes are prohibited.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets, a set of catcher’s gear, a catcher’s mitt and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  There are no bat restrictions for this age level however some bats may not be acceptable starting at the single A level.  Concerned parents should consult the bat specifications as identified in the Single A information below. 
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt, personal protective equipment (athletic supporter and protective cup) and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with an upgraded jersey and hat. A protective cup must be worn by any child playing the catcher position.  Baseball pants and cleats are strongly recommended.  Batting gloves are also optional. Metal spikes are prohibited.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets, a set of catcher’s gear, a catcher’s mitt and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  Before purchasing a bat for your child, all utilized bats must conform to Little League (Majors) standards as noted on the Little League website (  No big barrel bats.  Any bat over 2 5/8” is considered a big barrel.
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt, personal protective equipment (athletic supporter and protective cup), cleats and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with an upgraded jersey and hat. A protective cup must be worn by any child playing the catcher position.  Baseball pants are strongly recommended.  Batting gloves are also optional. Metal spikes are prohibited.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets, a set of catcher’s gear, a catcher’s mitt and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  Before purchasing a bat for your child, all utilized bats must conform to Little League (Majors) standards as noted on the Little League website (  No big barrel bats.  Any bat over 2 5/8” is considered a big barrel.
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt, personal protective equipment (athletic supporter and protective cup), cleats and water bottle.  
Players will be provided with an upgraded jersey, hat, pants, belt and socks.  Batting gloves are optional but recommended. Metal spikes are prohibited.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets, a set of catcher’s gear, a catcher’s mitt and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  Before purchasing a bat for your child, all utilized bats must conform to Little League (Majors) standards as noted on the Little League website (  No big barrel bats.  Any bat over 2 5/8” is considered a big barrel.
All Players must provide their own glove/mitt, personal protective equipment (athletic supporter and protective cup) cleats and water bottle.  Metal spikes are acceptable for this league. 
Players will be provided with a personalized jersey, hat, pants, belt and socks.  Batting gloves are optional but recommended.
The rec council will provide team batting helmets, a set of catcher’s gear, a catcher’s mitt and several bats for shared use, however, players may utilize their own helmet and bat if desired.  Before purchasing a bat for your child, all utilized bats must conform to Little League (Majors) standards as noted on the Little League website (  No big barrel bats.  Any bat over 2 5/8” is considered a big barrel.

If you have any questions about uniforms or equipment, please reach out to your league specific contact.

Evaluation Information

The location and times for In-House baseball evaluations are set. Player evaluations will be held on Friday evening, February 28, 2025 in the gymnasium at Sweet Air Park.  Players should plan to arrive at the start of their scheduled session time identified below.  Players are to register in the community room where they will be provided an identification sticker before being evaluated in the gym.   

  • Rookie League 5:45PM
  • Single A League 6:45PM
  • Double A League 7:30PM
  • Triple A League 8:15PM

All CMRC baseball players registered for Rookie League or older, other than those on travel team rosters should attend player evaluations. T-Ball and Coach Pitch players, as well as those players on travel team rosters do not attend these evaluations.

As evaluations are occurring in a gymnasium, players should wear sneakers.  Cleats are not permitted. Players should also bring their glove. Bats will be available but players are permitted to bring their own bat.  All players will be evaluated on their ability to hit, making contact and for power, pitch, both for accuracy and arm strength, and their ability to catch, field ground balls and pop ups, and throw.

Evaluations are necessary to provide coaches an assessment of each players skills in advance of the player draft where coaches will select players to complete their team roster. Evaluations are also crucial for teams to be selected with a balance of all skill level players to provide for good competition within each league.

Please make every effort possible to have your child attend evaluations.  If your child is unable to attend evaluations during the time assigned to the age group for which they are registered, or if you have questions, please let us know.

Bill Keiber, Commissioner of Baseball
Doug Menapace, CMRC Vice President

League-Specific Baseball Contacts

We have worked diligently to identify our league specific chairpersons for Spring 2025 in-house baseball. We are constantly looking for help in all age groups.  You will have plenty of support and guidance.  If you are interested in volunteering for leadership positions, kindly email Baseball Program Chair Bill Keiber. If you have questions related to a specific age group, please reach out to the contact identified below.

Chris Seiler
Coach Pitch
Chris Seiler
Herman Fuenzalida
Single A
Adam Clement
Double A
Rich Telljohann
Triple A
Bill Keiber
Doug Menapace

2025 League-Specific Baseball Rules

Carroll Manor Cardinals Travel Baseball Program

The Carroll Manor Cardinals currently have U8 to U12 teams

For additional information about the program, visit our website or email us at